If you’re looking at starting a cookie business, then you probably already have a good idea of what makes your cookies special. They are special because you made them, of course!!
But seriously…..why are they so special?
What a question to ask. Any evaluation of an artistic item is totally subjective. If the item is in the food category, then it’s even more subjective. Different people have differing opinions on why something is good or not. Or whether something is out of this world incredible or simply pretty good.
If you’re reading this now, you probably already know that your cookies are special and why people love them.

Since you’re now thinking of the cookies in terms of a business, is there something you’re doing that’s a bit unique? If not, that’s perfectly OK. You don’t have to be doing something different than everyone else as long as people love it.

But if there is something very specific and unique in what you offer, then you want to capitalize on that as you start to get out there.
My point of difference – My cookies are nut-free.
My family is one of those with a nut-allergic child. I will never ever forget that day when I gave my 2 year-old peanut butter for the first (and only) time, and her lips and face promptly blew up with swollen, red hives. Terrifying.
As it turns out, she is allergic to every variety of nut. Every single one. And she hasn’t grown out of it and we’ve been advised that she never will.

Since nuts never make it through the front door of our home, I don’t bake with nuts!
Accommodating food allergies and intolerances is a major issue for any type of food business. If this is something you can do or if you’re like me and you already have to do it in your everyday life, it becomes a selling point that helps you.
Nut-free, gluten-free, major allergen-free, vegan, keto, non-profit for charity, free trade chocolate, freshly milled whole grain flour……. Whatever it is, if you’re doing something specific and different and you can describe it to people, then go with it!