It’s not business, it’s personal.

It must seem odd that my first post about starting a cookie business would say that it’s not business. What I mean by that is that the whole idea of baking cookies or baking anything comes from a place that is very personal. People who bake are doing it for someone. To make them happy, to comfort them, to celebrate with them.

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To shift things from that very personal place to a business is a huge thing. It may almost feel wrong. But then again, the concept of doing what you love is critical to doing something well. And that makes smart business sense.

The movie “You’ve Got Mail” is one that I can watch over and over. There’s a scene where the Tom Hanks character tries to explain that his business decisions weren’t “personal”, and Meg Ryan’s character is having none of that…..

“Whatever else anything is, it ought to begin by being personal.”

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The passion comes out because it feels personal and it’s something you love, but it may take some time and discipline to wrap all of that up in a business mindset. Basically you want to keep the personal attitude but have that work toward building the business. Easier said than done.

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Sign reading Sale from starting a cookie business

Expect it to feel a bit unnatural or awkward for a while, but eventually the business concept will settle in. Your friends and family will be your biggest fans and want to support your new venture. And you’re always allowed to bake for your loved ones just the way you’ve always done.

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